Family Law
Los Angeles Family Law Attorney
Divorce, Custody, and Support
Dealing with family law matters is often among the most stressful and emotional experiences in a person’s life. Because your well-being and your child’s well-being are at stake, you are likely afraid of the possible outcomes and overwhelmed by the complexities involved.
Attorney Berc Agopoglu has been representing clients for 24 years, and can help you navigate your family law matter toward a favorable resolution. He provides compassionate support for his clients, while defending their best interests aggressively. If you are facing a divorce, child custody, or child support issues, turn to our Los Angeles family lawyer today.
Discuss your case in a free consultation by calling our firm today at (310) 997-4588.
There are a variety of legal matters involved in a divorce case. Property division and alimony are some of the most commonly disputed.
Property Division
California is a “community property” state, which means that all marital property and debts are considered to equally belong to both spouses. This applies to any assets that were earned or purchased during the marriage, as well as any debts incurred during the marriage. Therefore, in a divorce, all assets and liabilities will be divided as a “50-50” split. Disagreements and complications easily arise when determining which property will be given to whom.
These determinations can be made out of court through negotiation or in court under a judge’s authority. Furthermore, anything a spouse earns after separating from his or her spouse will not be counted as “community” property, which means that the couple will need to agree upon a date of separation, or have the court make a determination based on evidence. In all of these scenarios, an experienced Los Angeles family law attorney can benefit you greatly.
Also known as “spousal support,” alimony is one ex-spouse’s court-ordered obligation to provide financial support for the other ex-spouse. If one spouse claims to need financial support after the divorce is finalized or during the course of a legal separation, the higher-earning spouse will likely be required to make payments to the ex-spouse. The intent behind this law is to ensure that the lower-earning spouse is able to support himself or herself once the couple goes their separate ways. A couple may make a private agreement about these payments, or bring the matter to court for dispute. This is just one area where a skilled divorce lawyer in Los Angeles can be incredibly helpful for you.
Child Custody
If children are involved in a divorce, you will need to determine how custody and financial support will operate. If parents cannot come to complete agreement outside of court, a judge will make the decision after hearing both sides and weighing evidence.
In California, there are four different types of custody:
- Sole legal custody: Only one parent will be given the right to make important decisions about his or her child’s upbringing. This includes matters related to education, healthcare, religion, everyday life, etc.
- Joint legal custody: Both parents have a say in how the child should be raised.
- Sole physical custody: The child’s permanent residence is with just one parent.
- Joint physical custody: The child alternates on a regular basis between which parent he or she stays with.
In cases where one parent has sole legal or physical custody, the other parent may still be granted visitation time. How much visitation and the schedule for it will need to be determined through private negotiation or in court. The Los Angeles family law attorney from our firm is here to advocate for your child’s best interests and help you effectively pursue your custody and visitation goals.
Child Support
Child support payments will be determined according to how much time each parent spends with the child. Typically, the parent who cares for the child the majority of the time will receive payments from the other parent to help support the child’s needs. The courts will determine the amount for those payments based on a variety of factors, such as how many overnights the child has with the non-custodial parent (or parent who spends less time with the child) and how much income that parent makes. The courts will also take into consideration the custodial parent’s income and how much financial support he or she needs to care for the child.
Known for Our Success and Skill
The Agopoglu Law Corp., PLC has gained a reputation for taking on the most complicated cases and winning. We do not shrink back when things are messy, and we don’t take “impossible” for an answer. Our Los Angeles family law attorney has more than 20 years of legal experience and has handled numerous trial cases. Aggressive in court, but compassionate toward his clients, Berc Agopoglu is prepared to help protect yours and your child’s well-being and best interests.
Contact our firm today to discuss your situation in a free consultation! We are available 24/7 and offer competitive rates for our services.

“Overall he is an excellent attorney and our family will continue using him. I highly recommend Mr. Agopoglu.”
- Andy C. -
“I would have to say that my experience with attorney Berc Agopoglu was outstanding.”
- Former Client -
“Berc took my case very seriously from day one. He’s the reason I’m a US resident now and United with my family.”
- Asadour Seheldjian -
“The BEST lawyer I've hired throughout my life. I feel blessed to have him represent me through my entire Immigration process.”
- Marco Huitron -
“I highly recommend Mr. Agopoglu for the immigration purposes.”
- Eren Bulut